Its an elaborated food, a proteinic concentrate, its presented in powder obtained from dust-grudge that is obtained from the bovine meat. consists of  86% of protein value and  low greasy concentration. Composed of aminoacids;, vitamins and minerals.

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feeding the world…
       The product is packaged in conditions of commercial sterility, isolated from humidity is transformed into an almost imperishable food, which allows its transfer without the necessity to maintain a chain of cold for its conservation and its storage in long periods

       The production is done through a widely proven process as far as the maintenance of the nutritional values require, without preservatives nor no type of aggregate to optimize its conditions of scent and flavor.

       The AMINO consumption of 8, owns several advantages advantages and tries to contribute to improve the nourishing conditions, knowing that with its ingestion, great part is contributed to the organism or the totality of the daily proteinic requirement. (0,8 grs. of protein by kilo of weight) (OMS)



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