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1) Soleucina: it takes part in the formation and repair of the muscular tissue.
2) Leucina: It reduces the lost of muscular mass through aging. It takes part in the training and the repair of the muscular tissue.
3) Lisina: It takes part in the growth, repair of tissue, antibodies and synthesis of hormones.
4) Metionina + Glicina + Arginine (CREATINE) Determines the percentage of food that is going to be used at cellular level. It takes part in the increase of muscular mass.
5) Fenilalanina: colágen production in the structure of the skin and formation of neurohormons
6) Triptófano: Growth and hormonal production. Adrenal secretion. It synthesizes serotonin involved in the relaxation and sleep.
7) Treonina: Aid to the liver in its functions of chemical decontamination
8) Valine: It stimulates the growth and repair of tissue. Maintenance of diverse systems and nitrogen balance


1) Alanine: It takes part in the metabolism of the glucose;  precursor of the hepatic gluconeogénesis.  It also acts like nontoxic transporter of nitrogenadas amines of the muscle to the liver where the urea will form
2) Arginine: It is involved in the conservation of the balance of carbon nitrogen and dioxide.  It has great importance in the production of the Hormone of Growth, directly involved in the growth of tissue, muscles and the maintenance and repair of the immunological system
3) Asparagina: It takes part in the metabolic processes of the Central Nervous System
4) Aspártico acid: Important for the chemical decontamination of the liver and its correct operation;  it is combined with other amino acids having formed molecules able to absorb toxins of the sanguineous torrent.
5) Citrulline: It takes part in the elimination of ammoniac
6) Cystine: It takes part in the chemical decontamination.  It is important in the synthesis of the Insulin and the reactions of certain molecules to the insulin
7) Cisteína: Along with the Cystine it is involved in the chemical decontamination, mainly like antagonist of the free radicals.  By his lifted sulphur content it contributes to maintain the health of the hair
8) Glutamine: It takes part in the use of the glucose by the brain
9) Glutámico acid: It has importance in the operation of the Central Nervous System.  It acts like stimulation for the immunological system
10)Glicina: numerous tissue component
11) Histidina: In combination with the associated growth hormone  and some amino acids, they contribute to the growth and the repair of tissue, mainly in the cardiovascular system
12) Serina: It takes part in the chemical decontamination of the organism, muscular growth and metabolism of fats and fatty acids
13) Taurine: It stimulates the Growth Hormone .  It is involved in the regulation of the sanguineous pressure, fortifies the cardiac muscle and it invigorates the nervous system
14) Tirosina:   It is a direct neurotransmitter and it can be very effective in the treatment of the depression
15) Ornitina:  It is combined with Arginine and Carnitine (that is synthesized within the organism) and acts metabolising the excess of corporal fat.  It's specific for the Growth Hormone.

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